Thursday 22 December 2022

movie stream

A found footage video essay tracing Winnipeg's civic pathologies, aesthetic fabulations and exquisite strangeness through the prism of its own low-budget, lo-fi TV advertising produced between 1975 and 1992.

Adult Status :
Movie ID : 810040
Movie Language : en
Original Title: Kubasa in a Glass: The Strange World of the Winnipeg Television Commercial (1975-1993)
Popularity : 0.6
Release : 2006-01-01
Movie Title : Kubasa in a Glass: The Strange World of the Winnipeg Television Commercial (1975-1993)
Rate : 0
Vote Count : 0
Genre IDs : 99,35
Genres : Documentary, Comedy
Tagline :
Revenue : 0
Runtime : 52
Status : Released

Movie Collection

Collection ID :
Collection Name :

Movie Production Studio

Company Name :
Budget : 0
HomePage :
Country Code : CA
Country Name :
Spoken Language : English
Company ID :
Company Logo : [COMPANYLOGO]
Company Country :


Casts and Crews



    1. Matthew Rankin ( Matthew Rankin ) Directing, Job: Director From Department of Directing

    2. Walter Forsberg ( Walter Forsberg ) Directing, Job: Director From Department of Directing

    Movie Review

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      It's a nice place to visit, but you WOULDN'T LIVE THERE! College student Regina comes back to her room from class one day to discove...